The firm of Leiter & Associates was founded in
1971 in association with another surveying company. It has practiced
successfully in the areas of civil and environmental engineering in
Southeast Florida over the last thirty-eight years.
The firm was reorganized in late 1986 and expanded into a
comprehensive land planning, land surveying, civil and environmental
engineering consulting business. It provides these services to
clients throughout Southeast Florida for residential, commercial,
industrial developments, and municipal work.
In 1997, George Perez's name was added to the corporate title of the
firm. He became President and Chief Operating Officer. As of April
17, 1997, the firm is certified as a
Micro/Small Business Enterprise (MICRO/SBE), Florida
Certificate No. 10557 and Community Business
Enterprise (CBE), Florida Certificate No. 1443, in Miami-Dade
County, Florida.
In 2010, Mr. Perez transitioned out of day-to-day operations and
Geoffrey Leiter was named President of the firm.
The firm is composed of professionals with
expertise in the areas of civil and environmental engineering and
land surveying. They are working together as a team to provide a
complete service to clients from one source.
The President of the firm, Geoffrey Leiter, is a professional engineer and
professional surveyor and mapper with a master's degree in water
resources engineering. His responsibilities include managing the
daily operations of the surveying department.
George Perez, is a
professional engineer with a master's degree and specialty
certification in pollutant storage systems and hazardous material
The Senior Vice President of the firm, Martin Leiter
is a professional engineer with a master's degree and specialty
certification in environmental engineering.
The normal company complement of field crews is four, but as many as
six crews have been placed in the field on large projects.
Within the engineering
disciplines, primary emphasis is placed on planning, design,
preparation of contract documents, and project administration and
observation. Over the years, Leiter, Perez & Associates has
successfully completed more than 800 projects for their clients. The
most recent projects have included complete packages from boundary
surveys through final platting and staking, as well as the design of
sanitary sewer and water mains, drainage and streets, storm water
master plans and construction services.
Gravity sanitary sewers are a part of the
engineering design for nearly every subdivision undertaken. Sizes
range from the routine eight inch pipe through fifteen and eighteen
inch sizes. The larger pipe sizes become necessary only to handle
discharges from smaller pumping stations that are then repumped by a
larger, master station. Many of the gravity systems were checked by
either infiltration or exfiltration tests to determine their
soundness. Contract administration and field observation were also
provided by Leiter, Perez & Associates for much of the work.
An important part of sanitary sewerage systems in South Florida is
pumping stations. Leiter, Perez & Associates has designed, provided
contract documents and performed field observation for projects that
have included nearly every type of pumping station. Sewage
pumping stations designed range in size from 2 horsepower to 500
horsepower, with sewage flows ranging from 50 to 3500 gpm. Different
types of stations were designed ranging from large, flooded suction
stations to smaller suction lift, air lift, vacuum, submersible and
grinder submersible stations. Most of the stations were equipped for
plug‑in auxiliary power from portable, trailer‑mounted generator
sets. The larger stations were designed with permanently‑mounted
auxiliary diesel generator sets. These sets were placed in
free‑standing metal enclosures or in concrete block structures built
as part of the station.
With pumping stations in nearly every subdivision and municipality,
force mains are important, too. Sewage force mains designed amount
to well over 150 miles, with contract administration and field
observation also provided by Leiter, Perez & Associates, Inc.
Projects have varied in size from as short as 100 feet to more than
40,000 feet and pipe diameters have ranged from 4 inches to 36
inches. Pipe material had been cast iron in earlier times, with pvc
and ductile iron being used for most installations in the last 10
years. Types of installation varied from the routine direct bury in
open trench jacking and borings to subaqueous or aerial (suspended
from a structure or on piling) crossings.
Water distribution systems have been part of the engineering design
for nearly every project undertaken. Sizes range from the
routine six and eight inch pipe through the sixteen inch size.
Several projects required pipe sizes as large as 36 inch. The larger
sizes are necessary only to handle primary distribution to the
areas, with an occasional extension needed to handle future needs
beyond the immediate area being served. Leiter, Perez & Associates,
Inc. designed and provided contract documents for their clients, and
performed field observation and contract administration for most of
their projects.
Storm water management and design have been performed throughout
Dade County on projects such as Doral, Cocoplum, Fisher Island,
Waterways, etc. These projects varied in size from 160 acres
to 600 acres. Methods of disposal for storm water runoff
included drainage wells, french drains, retention basins, etc.,
predicated on soil stratigraphy. The firm did extensive
Engineering Design and Survey on the Miami-Dade County FEMA funded
projects for Storm Drainage System Betterments. The firm has
completed two major street Storm Drainage projects for Miami-Dade
County as part of the (QNIP) program, “Quality Neighborhood
Improvement Program.
The surveying group has prepared land
surveys of all types, including route surveys, boundary surveys,
mean high water, coastal construction line, topographic surveys, and
construction layout. Lot surveys and flood elevation certifications
are also performed if required or requested.
The surveyors are equipped with modern state‑of‑the‑art technology.
Field crews use total station equipment with data collectors and
electronic distance measuring, one collector being capable of
transmitting data over hard wire directly into office computers. The
firm has wide experience in GPS format surveying and mapping.
The firm has invested over $100,000 in the latest GPS equipment
available in the market.
The normal company complement of field crews is four, but as many as
six crews have been placed in the field on large projects.
Office personnel have computers and plotters using the latest in CAD
software to produce plats, survey drawings and drawings for contract
documents. Legal descriptions and easements are routinely prepared
by office personnel for public and private clients. The firm
has prepared condominium documents for major developers in South
The firm is composed of professionals with expertise in the area of
environmental land surveying. Each individual is a land
surveyor with special training in hazardous material handling and
respiratory protection equipment. Our personnel have completed
the 40 hour refresher course. Personnel are provided with an
annual medical examination which is on file at the corporate office.
As required by law, a written respiratory protection program is kept
at our office, which can be inspected at any time.
Presently, the surveying department is working on projects
throughout Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach Counties. The field
work involves boundary and topographic surveys, hydrographic
surveys, mean high water surveys and section surveys. Also included
are construction layout, "as‑builts" of underground utilities in
private and public roadways, layout for construction of public and
private roadways in subdivision work, including subgrade, base rock
and finished pavement. Condominium surveys, special purpose surveys,
volume surveys and tree location surveys also are part of the work,
along with building layout and piling layouts.
Office work includes land planning and subdivision design drawings,
all land survey related drawings, and sketches of easements and
legal descriptions for utilities locations. Calculations of
excavation and fill volumes, preparation of plan and profile
drawings and cross sections, and geometrical drawings showing
construction layout of proposed improvements are also prepared.
In 1991, Leiter, Perez & Associates
started working for governmental agencies. The agencies
included are Miami- Dade Water and Sewer Department (design of lift
stations and force mains), City of North Miami Beach (water
main relocations and canal crossings) Miami-Dade County Aviation
Department (general land surveying and miscellaneous hazardous
material services) and Miami-Dade County Public Works Department
(general land surveying). The contracts have been for $150,000 to
over $1 million dollars.
In 1987, Leiter, Perez & Associates
began to provide Certificates of Non‑existence of Hazardous or Toxic
Materials to clients. Leiter, Perez & Associates, Inc. has
performed over 100 environmental audits that included both phase I
and phase II review. All samples of water and soil were collected
under the approved FDER Quality Assurance Plan. Monitoring wells and
soil corings were installed and laboratory analyses were performed
by state‑approved laboratories under field supervision of Leiter,
Perez & Associates, Inc. personnel. Site assessment, remedial action
and closure reports are prepared by Leiter, Perez & Associates, Inc.
skilled professional staff. Several Contamination Assessment Reports
(C.A.R.) and Remedial Action Plan (R.A.P.) have been completed,
instituted, and successful cleanups have resulted in an efficient
and cost effective method.